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Committee Members for PBC Chemistry Alumni 2023

​1.  President -    

Prof. (Dr.) Nandan Bhattacharyya,

Principal, Panskura Banamali College


2.  Vice-President -

Dr. Raju Singha

HOD, Dept. of Chem., Panskura Banamali College


3.  Co-vice President -

Dr. Pulakesh Bera,

Dept. of Chemistry, Panskura Banamali College (PBC)


4. Secretary -

Dr. Nimai Ch Pramanik,

Sr. Principal Scientist (CSIR-CGCRI) & Respected Alumni (PBC-Chem)


5.  Asst. Secretary -

Smt. Moumita Patra Bhowmik,

Lecturer, Dept. of Chem., & respected Alumni (PBC-Chem)


6.  Convenor -

Mr. Alok Maity,

Asst. Teacher, Radhaballavchak Saradamayee Vidyapith & Senior Alumni


7.  Co-Convenor -

Shri Goutam Bhunia,

PG Student, Dept. of Chem.


8.  Treasurer -

Mr. Ashis Samanta,

Senior Alumni, Dept. of Chem.


9.  Joint-Treasurers -

i)     Dr. Gopinath Mondal,

Asst. Teacher, Panskura Bradley Birt High School & Alumni


ii)     Shri Goutam Bhunia,

PG Student, Dept. of Chem.




1. Information & Communication -

1) Mr. Ashis Samanta,

Expert in IT and Respected Alumni (PBC-Chem)


2) Dr. Nimai Ch Pramanik,

Sr. Principal Scientist (CSIR-CGCRI) & Respected Alumni (PBC-Chem)


2. Technical -

1) Dr. N C Pramanik (Sr. Principal Scientist & PBC Alumni)

2) Prof. Haripada Bhunia, (Thapar Inst. (Patiala) & PBC Alumni)

3) Dr. Soumitra Mondal, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, PBC.

4) Dr Prasenjit Bhaumik (Research manager, IOCL R&D center & respected alumni)

5) Mr. Alok Maity, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

6) Dr. Gopinath Mondal, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni


3. Registration & Invitation -

1) Mr. Alok Maity, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

2) Dr. N C Pramanik, Sr. Principal Scientist & PBC Alumni

3) Mr. Ashis Samanta (IT Expert & PBC Alumni)

4) Dr. Gopinath Mandal (Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni)

5) Mr. Goutam Bhunia, PG Student, Dept. of Chemistry, PBC


4. Hall & Stage -

1) Mr. Samar Maity, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

2) Mr. Soumen Kuila, (Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni)

2) Mr. Gautam Ghosh, (Asst. Teacher & Alumni)

3) Mr. Sanajit Dinda (Respected Alumni)

4) Ms. Manisha Dolai (Respected Alumni)

5) Mr. Nilu Saren (current UG student)

6) Mr. Sanjib Bhowmik (current UG student)


5. Cultural events -

1) Mr. Soumen Kuila, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

2) Smt. Moumita Patra Bhowmik, Asst. Prof. & PBC Alumni

3) Smt. Nivedita Bera, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

4) Ms. Arpita De, PBC Alumni

5) Smt. Sarbani Panja, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

6) Ms. Sneha Rani Mondal, PG Student

7) Ms. Shreya Maity, UG student


6. Alumni Registration & distribution -

1) Dr. Gopinath Mondal, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

2) Mr. Alok Maity, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

3) Mr. Goutam Bhunia, PG Student, Dept. of Chem., PBC

4) Ms. Puja Khatik, PG student

5) Ms. Nirupama Maity, PG student

6) Ms. Lina Dey, PG student

7) Ms. Sneha Bera, UG student

8) Ms. Srilekha Maity, UG student

9) Ms. Sudipa Maji, UG student

10) Ms. Sanchita Mal, UG student


7. Food & Refreshment -

1) Mr. Samar Maity, Asst. Teacher & PBC Alumni

2) Mr. Rupchand Adak, Asst. Teacher & Alumni

3) Mr. Pranay Kumar Bisai, Asst. Teacher & Alumni

4) Mr. Gautam Ghosh, Alumni

5) Mr. Surajit Bishai (current UG student)

6) Mr. Ayan Mondal (current UG student)

7) Mr. Arijit Bhunia, (current UG student)

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